Withdrawals & Refunds

To be entitled to a refund, the player must withdraw from the tournament before registration for the event closes or becomes sold out.

 Withdrawal rules include:

  • If a player withdraws from a tournament hosted by his/her home Tour before the stated deadline, the player has the choice of applying the payment towards another event hosted by the Local Tour or receiving a refund.
  • If the player chooses to apply the fee towards a future event, he must notify the Tour Director via email and the tournament fee will be held on account by the Local Tour Director.
  • Credits may not be applied to future membership fees or carried over to future seasons.
  • If a player withdraws from an event that is not hosted by their home Tour before the stated deadline, the host Tour Director will automatically refund the visiting player within one week of the tournament’s conclusion (unless the player emails a request for the payment to be held on account pursuant to the same guidelines as a home Tour event).
  • If a player withdraws from an event after the tournament has been listed as “sold out” on the Schedule tab of the AGT website, the player will only be eligible for a refund if a replacement player in the same flight may be obtained by the host Tour Director.
    • Sold out tournaments differ in this regard since numbers are locked in, prizes pools are finalized, and other players have been denied entry.
    • This policy applies to all AGT tournaments and takes precedence over the originally stated registration deadline.
  • If a player withdraws from a tournament after the registration deadline, refunds are only available 10 days prior to event.
  • If a player does not show for an event, no refund will be given, and the player’s ability to play in future events may be revoked (based upon Local Tour Director’s discretion).
Posted: 1/29/2024 4:40:03 PM