Gerry Pascale Shoots 69 To Capture Planter's Row Event
Posted: 1/16/2008 6:28:32 PM

Craig Case - "A" Flight Champion
The Planters Row Course at Port Royal Plantation Resort hosted the second event for the Hilton Head Division of the EGolf Amateur Tour on Saturday January 12, 2008.
The course is an extremely tight layout where it is very important to keep the ball in play. The wet conditions and rather slow greens combined for a tough round of golf. The cool, overcast, misty weather did not create any problems, as the rain failed to materialize. The Port Royal staff did a great job hosting the event, as everything was already set-up when we arrived. The tour players had a great time and good scores were posted in almost every flight. The winning players received the new gift cards and new trophies. Most players seemed to be very happy with the change.
Gerry Pascale of Hilton Head shot a sizzling 69 to win the Championship Flight over the 72 of Kevin Arnold of Hilton Head and the 77 of Adam Dozier of Rincon, GA.
Dave Eichenberger of Hilton Head took the Champ Flight Senior honors with a 78.
In the “A†Flight, Craig Case of Bluffton scored a double victory with an 81 to win both the Regular and Senior Tour events. Mike Peters of Richmond Hills, GA who shot an 82 was right behind for second and Bob Rushie of Hilton Head’s 86 was good enough for third.
Mike Hayes of Richmond Hills, GA held on to take “B†Flight honors with a solid 78. Jim Manning of Hilton Head placed second with an 81 and Tour Director Roger Mitterling of Spartanburg, SC came in third with an 87. John Barr of Port Wentworth, GA scored the Senior Flight honors with an 81.
“C†Flight honors went to Hal Wynne of Charleston who putted lights out all day. Hal shot an 82 over John Kolcum of Hilton Head who took second with an 87 over the 90 of Mark Morris of Bluffton. Grant Genner of Bluffton took the Senior Flight trophy with a score of 94.
David Fuentes of Garden City, GA captured the “D†Flight with a score of 88. William Tad Smith of Bluffton and Tommy Bryant of Mt. Pleasant, SC took second, third with respective scores of 93, and 96. Olin Williams of Hilton Head won the Senior Flight on the first hole of a play-off over Bob Hagan. Both players finished at 100.
Complete tournament results and points standings are posted on the tour website at
We would like to invite all Amateur golfers to visit our web site, come out and try the EGolf Amateur Tour. If you love golf, come out and try the tour. Anyone can play one tournament as a guest, just to see how much fun it is to play competitive golf.