Jeff Wong, Mark Harrison, Boyd Laughlin, Joshua Kirkley and Joe Kulikoski all win in Sea Pines at Heron Point!

Championship Flight:
Jeff Wong makes
it three wins in a row, this time with a very impressive round of 5 under par
67 at Heron Point. Wong started fast as he was four under par after eight holes. Wes Fennel cut his lead to only one
shot but ended up in second place at 74.
James Hurrion a newcomer to
the tour got his first cash in third place with 78. Brandon
Peterson (Jax) and Chris Legare both
tied fourth with 79.
A Flight:
Mark Harrison (Jax)
wins for back to back years on Heron Point this time with a score of 77. CooperCram, Joe Combs and Chris Novakall tied second with 81. Cram won on the scorecard playoff 2ndplace money will Combs to home 3rdplace. Rounding out the top five spot
was Greg Buliga at 82.
B Flight:
Boyd Laughlinwins by three shots with 79 followed by Jon
Lyles at 82. Kevin Martyn (Philly) was solo third at 85 followed by Charles Getsinger 86 and Scott Ammons with 89.

C Flight:
Joshua Kirkley wins
going away with 94 followed by John
Haynie at 102. New comer Tony Abler was third with 105 and Carl Matlock rounded out the top four
at 108.
D Flight:
Joe Kulikoskiwins on the last hole by one shot with 96.
Al Smith had the lead coming into the difficult 18th, but
finished in second place with 97. Mark Stone was third with 100 and Aaron Masterson finished fourth with