Jaspers, Albright, Lawrence, Aschmann, and Lopez all win, Steve French gets his first ever hole-in-one on the par 3 fifth hole at Cabarrus CC!
Posted: 8/17/2014 2:59:32 PM

Joe Jaspers
wins again as next week at Carolina Lakes he will go for three in a row in
August. Jaspers has really been on a
roll this season and yesterday he waxed the field with 69. Steve French for the first time in his golfing
career got an ace on the par three 5th hole Saturday. French hit a 7 iron into the hole en route to
a second place finish at 75. Dave Schmist
grabbed third at 77 and Scott Goodelle was 4th with 78.
A Flight:
Albright won for the first time every with 76 beating out Derek Goodyear by
only one shot with 77. Mike Nasekos
grabbed solo third at 78 and Tom Chambers and Phil VanGeersdaelen tied with
80. On the card playoff Chambers took 4th
place money.
B Flight:
Vic Lawrence
won for the fist time all season with 77 followed closely behind by Dan Harmon
at 78. Harry Diehl and Terry Upright
both shot 80’s with Diehl grabbing third on the card.
C Flight:
Aschmann won by five shots firing a smooth 80 and with that was promoted to the
B flight for the rest of the season.
Good luck Paul as you will still be very competitive in the B flight the
rest of the season. Sean Wrigglesmith had
his best outing on tour with a second place finish at 85 followed by Matt
Painter at 87. John Still beat out Steve
Daniels for 4th place with both players shooting 89’s.
D Flight:
Pat Lopez
won for the first time ever on tour with 98 and the Allan Salcedo grabbed
second at 104.